

l YiYuan Fine Chemical Co.,Ltd(YFC)was found in 1998 located In Zimian Industry Estate-Jiangmen City,Guangdong province,PR of China
l .溢远助剂科技有限公司成立于1998年,它坐落在中国广东省江门市子绵工业园。
l .Our current premises was setup in 2006 with total area around 60,000sqm,which includes approx.5,000sqm of building area for production、warehouse、laboratory and offices operation.
l .公司现有厂区建成于2006年,总面积约为60000m2,,包括车间、仓库、实验室和办公室在内的5000m2建筑面积。
l The plant contains advanced production equipment and is considered one of the top plants in mainland China for manufacturing of first class paper,textile,water treatment chemicals.
l 公司拥有先进生产设备,在生产造纸、纺织品和污水处理等药剂方面是中国大陆最好的公司之一。
l The majority of our senior staff are holding Master or Bachelor degrees in chemical or engineering field and leading our departments-Research & Development, Quality control, Manufacturing, Engineering, Sales Department, Logistics etc.
l 公司骨干职员都有化学和工程方面的学士或硕士学位,这些职员领导各个部门--研发部、质控部、生产部、设备部、销售部和物流部门等。
Main Product Technologies
l Stickiest/Pitch Control
l 胶粘物控制剂
l Felt/wire Cleaners/Conditioners
l 毛布/网保洁及清洗剂
l Wet Strength Resin
l 湿强树脂
l Yankee Coating/Release Chemistry
l 高速扬克烘缸脱/粘缸剂
l Biocides
l 微生物杀灭剂
l DAF Flocculent /Coagulant Chemistry
l DAF 絮凝剂/混凝剂化学
l Waste Water Treatment Chemistry
l 污水处理药剂
l Hydrogen peroxide stabilizer
l 过氧化氢稳定剂
l Drainage Aide/Strength Aide Chemistry
l 干强树脂及助留脱水剂
l Pulping Aide Chemistry
l 制浆助剂
l Defoamer Chemistry
l 消泡剂


联  系  人:黄S
